Monday, July 15, 2013

Oakley's Pre-School Graduation

Oh my, where has the time gone.  It is hard to believe that Oaks is graduating pre-school and heading to Kindergarten this fall.  He has grow up so much in the past year and is very excited to go to school!  Mrs. Brittney, his pre-school teacher, has been amazing and has done a wonderful job preparing Oakley for Kindergarten.  We ere so blessed to have her as Oakley's teacher!

 Oakley and Makayla!  These two have been inseparable for year's now.

 The board the teachers made for Oakley

 Getting his certificate from Mrs. Brittney

 Daddy and Mommy with our graduate

 They were laughing at the teachers dancing and Lakelyn didn't know what to think!  LOL!

Singing a song with Mrs. Brittney & Ms. Michelle after graduation was over.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

April in Pictures

 Got this little guy registered for Kindergarten!

 We played a lot of ball!

 Avery rounding 3rd and heading for home!

 Lakelyn cheering on her big sis!

 Sometimes you just play too hard! 

 Driving home...finally some nice spring weather!

 My little diva!

Had some Mommy and Lakelyn time by going to see Veggie Tales Live with our good friend's Gino and Jovie.  The girls had a blast!  Although, I think they had just as much fun at Chick-fil-a as they did as the show!

To end the month poor Lakelyn caught a yucky stomach bug.  This girl has caught everything going around this year.  I just hope we are building some super immunities!!