Sunday, April 14, 2013

A day at the Kline Farm

The girls and I spent a beautiful afternoon over at the Kline's farm. The kids had so much fun and I really enjoyed the warmer weather and getting outside. I can't wait for the Kline's to get all moved in and only 15 minutes away!! 

They seriously have a fireman's pole coming off the cabin deck. The girls thought this was the best!  I remember sliding down this when I was a little girl!
John David teaching them how its done!

Allie made it to the bottom!  :)  I love the look of her face!

Avery going down!

Maya's first time.  She looks a little concerned here, but she soon got over that.  :)

Halle loves Marshmallow's and hot chocolate.  (Mainly marshmallow! haha!)

Halle wanted to try the pole too!  This girl is just like her Daddy, no fear!

Their porch fan has seen better days, but I like the color.

The view from the deck.  Stunning!

Avery giving Halle a piggy back ride.

My Lakelyn sitting by the fire.

Lakelyn learning about Jude drinking his Mommy's milk!  It's a little sad to me that she is my only child that doesn't know about breastfeeding.  She was weened a little after she turned one and since she is our last child this is something that she doesn't see very often.  When Avery was her age I was nursing Oakley so she would nurse her baby dolls.  It was so stinkin' cute!

Our pretty girls!  These three are quite the team!


  1. great pics, great families

    1. GaGa here, and these brought some of those happy tears!!Love it!

    2. Thanks Lynn and GaGa! We are so blessed to have such amazing friends in our life...or maybe I should say "family."
